FDA approved for wrinkle reduction about a year ago, the radiofrequency RF treatment also appears to be the answer for stubborn cellulite and fat deposits. Cellulite zones affect thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and arms. Until now, the only options for body reshaping these areas involved expensive, higher risk surgical procedures like liposuction, tummy tucks, thigh and buttocks lifts. RF treatment is quick, and requires no anesthesia or prolonged recovery times.
RF (radiofrequency) therapy:
tightens loose skin, reducing wrinkles by promoting healthy collagen production
reduces excess inches/fat by shrinking fat cells and unsightly bulges
reduces the appearance of cellulite
Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, M.D., the selected FDA trial clinical investigator for this area, notes that the Accent® system is far superior to earlier technologies, particularly on the neck. Dr. Cirillo-Hyland’s patients have seen excellent results for their Face & Neck, Arms, Abdomen, Buttocks, Thighs, Hips and “Saddlebags”.
The Clinical Results
Clinical results vary from good to dramatic. Major improvement is visible after 4-6 sessions. Dr. Cirillo-Hyland says, “Pictures tell Accent’s remarkable story best.”

Cellulite, fat and wrinkle reduction results are available at Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa. For more information, visit CirilloCosmetic.com. Our medical dermatology practice, Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute, is conveniently located adjacent to our Spa. Our center represents the area’s largest, most-credentialed skin care and cosmetic surgery center, addressing all medical, surgical, pediatric, and cosmetic skin care needs. For more information, contact us at 610.525.5029 (CC) and 610.525.5028 (BMSC).